


Living Food Dude!!

. Living food is preparing food without cooking it. We have all kinds of fun way out tricks to show you hot to prepare gourmet dishes. This includes, warming soups, pizza, stromboli, avoghetti, wraps, sushi, heaven balls, quackers, mach fish, schiscabobs, vegi chips, lasagna, tabouli, ice creams, dips, cheeses, casseroles, cakes pies, fudge, and the list goes on...

The Living Food Dude has literally served hundreds of gourmet meals back east and now he brings it west.

You get served dinner and learn how to make what you are served! We can also come to you.
It's simple, relaxing, and fun (leave the mind at home) informal get together in a beautiful atmosphere.

Learn by doing!

Living food can do wonders for your health and the planet. It's simple: the more living food you eat, the more you preserve your own precious living energy. You have a Living energy account like a bank account so when ever you consume whole living food you "save/preserve" your enzyme bank account and any time you consumed devitalized heavily processed food you withdraw from your account.

PS. We accept all diets and enjoy having a light atmosphere to serve and demonstrate. We do not care what you consume on a daily basis and we like to be completely open to all walks of life. This diversity combined with acceptance of one another sends people home feeling good about "Living Foods."
In other words we are not a dogma diet cult and we simply enjoy preparing great "gourmet" food and then eating it. What a great way to meet people!
Peace to you..... The Living Food Dude (from the east)

We have plenty of references.
Call today: 610.623.5656